Air Ais / Air Aghaidh | Trad Rave
Entry Requirements: Over 18s only
Pioneering Gaelic hip-hop performer Hammy Sgìth and the phenomenally talented Gaelic singer / dancer Evie Waddell reunite at the Glad Café on Thursday January 11th to deliver an inspirational fusion of urban rhythms and Gaelic tradition.
The duo have recruited an eclectic crew of collaborators set to elevate an already explosive creative dynamic to greater heights!
Hammy Sgìth, Evie Waddell is Caraidean Tha an gnìomhaiche hip-hop Gàidhlig, Hammy Sgìth, agus an sàr-sheinneadair / dannsair tàlantach Evie Waddell a’ tighinn còmhla sa Ghlad Cafaidh air Diardaoin 11 Faoilleach, gus measgachadh smaoineachail de ruitheaman bailteil is traidisean Gàidhlig a lìbhrigeadh. Tha an dithis air criutha taghte de cho-obraichean a thrusadh, a tha deiseil airson daineamaig cruthachail brosnachail a thoirt gu nìrean nas àirde!
Access Guide and Tickets for Personal Assistants
You can view/download The Glad Cafe's Access Guide here. If you require a ticket for a Personal Assistant/Gig Buddy (at no extra cost), please contact